New York City

Today we got our first up close look at New York Harbor; our destination is the anchorage behind the Statue of Liberty. The wind was perfect we sailed off the anchor and headed towards the big city. We were able to sail all the way only turning the engine on once we were ready to enter the channel behind the Statue. When we went through the anchor field for the barges we were hailed by a tow captain who informed us that he was going to spin a barge around behind us.


There was a lot going on in the main shipping channel as well; we were as close to a huge freighter as we ever hoped to be and one came behind us and gave 5 blasts of his horn. When we looked up what 5 blasts meant we found out it meant danger, emergency, get out of the way or I may run you over; by then we were already well out the channel and his way.


On the way into the anchorage we got as close to the Statue of Liberty as you can without paying for the ferry to take you there. It is a sight to see; this huge Statue. I was a little surprised because I always thought you could see it as soon as you headed into the harbor but there is actually a point of land that blocks the view for quite some time. It was also interesting that the statue is technically in New Jersey not New York. We ended up spending 3 days tucked back in there; there is a great state park with a playground and amazing views of the city and harbor.


After our few rest days it was finally time to go to New York City. I had been looking forward to this stop since we decided to go on the trip.

We all sat out in the cockpit all morning while we took in the sights of the Hudson River side of Manhattan Island. Going up the Hudson is like making a rough ocean passage; between the mixing currents from the east river, The Hudson and the bay, as well as the 100 ferries that speed through there; we almost lost a few more dishes. The ferries are mostly city transit to move people from Jersey to New York or from the bottom of the island to several piers up the river. There are also numerous tour boats and the Staten Island Ferry.


The unique architecture is evident from the river as well; no two buildings are the same.

Our home for the week will be the 79th St Boat Basin. The moorings have a lot of wake from passing traffic but the price is right; $30 a night to stay on the upper west side that is cheaper for 10 days than 1 night in a hotel near the island. They also have free laundry and ice just to sweeten the deal. The facilities are a little run down but you can’t argue with the price.

Our fist day we walked up to Central Park so the kids could play; we found 2 parks close by so we went to both. On our way back we stopped to get a slice of New York pizza at Ray’s; it turned out to be the best pizza we have ever eaten.

On day 2 we started the tourist walk. We took the subway to Time square where we found the biggest Toys R’ Us we have ever seen. Then we sat on some bleachers at one end and had a snack while we took in the sights and sounds of one of the most famous intersections in the world. It was surprising how quiet it seemed; even with all the people and cars it was eerily quiet. After the snack we walked to Rockefeller Center where Saturday Night Live, Jimmy Fallon, and many other shows are taped. The flag ship LEGO store is also here so we spent some time in there as well. The kids designed their own mini figure and the packaged it and took it home. They had a lot of fun. Our next stop was St. Patrick’s Cathedral; this church was breathtaking. The church was built in 1879 and is full is beautiful stone sculptures and stained glass.


Toys R’ Us


Time Square

Rockefeller Center


St. Patrick’s Cathedral



To round out our whirl wind tour of NYC is Grand Central terminal and the New York Public Library.  (see captions on photos)


Public Library.


After this very full day we went back to the boat to get rested up for the next day.


For our 3rd day in the Big Apple we took the subway down to the 9/11 memorial and One World Trade Center.

The memorial is breathtaking and significant.

Before we started back towards the boat we walked part way across the Brooklyn Bridge. Then on our way back up town we stopped at Madison Square Park so the kids could play in the park and water feature. Last stop today will be the Empire State building as per Jason’s request. We decided to take the bus back so we could see a little more of the city. When we were back at the dock we did a little laundry and the kids went with Garth to yet another park.

Day 4 was a slow moving kind of day. We left the boat late, once we were ashore I wanted to check out the Goodwill I spotted at 79th and broadway. I was surprised to see one at all on the upper west side. I found some great back to school for both boys.


After the shopping spree we went out for lunch. My dad drove down from Ontario to pick the boys and myself up because the kids start school in a few days. So after lunch we met my Dad at the Museum of Natural History. This is the where Night at the Museum was filmed so we were able to find some famous artifacts.


After the museum we walked down to the bottom of central park so the kids could play some more and we found a huge water castle. While the kids played my dad went and picked up his car so we could go on a night driving tour of the city.

I think it was about mid night when we got back to the boat.

Day 5 was a sad day; a few months ago Garth and I decided that the kids should be home for the first day of school weather the boat was back or not so we made arrangements with our parents to watch the kids and get them to school. We are fortunate to have such wonderful parents who would take our kids for an undetermined amount of time so we could finish our Great Loop. Anyhow the day had finally come for them to go home so Garth stayed in NYC with boat and had 4 days of bachelorhood living it up while I went home to get the kids squared away. We had a great drive home and a good visit with the family while I was home. Garth went to a movie, a Met’s game and wandered around the city.


Upon my return I brought our good friend Darcy and Garth’s sister Jenny.


Thanks for following.

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